​Consent and Confidentiality
All sessions are private and confidential, except when safety concerns arise. In such instances, I am obligated to share information with relevant professionals, though I will endeavour to discuss this with you first.
Where services are commissioned through an organisation, such as social services, we will ensure that a clear agreement is established regarding the specific information required by the organisation.
​Ethical Practice/Professional Practice Standards
I adhere to the ethical and clinical standards of my professional bodies:
The United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)
The Non-Violence Resistance Association (NVRA).
Association of Family Therapy (AFT)
These organisations require evidence that I attend regular supervision and continue my professional development through attendance at training and other activities. As a supervisor, I also participate in supervision for the supervisory services I provide. Information discussed during supervision is anonymised.​
​Following professional guidelines, if I fall ill or become incapacitated, a colleague will communicate with my clients. They will access my records only if this situation occurs. ​​​​​
If you have concerns about my practice or services, please discuss them with me so we can resolve the issue. If you're not satisfied or prefer not to approach me, you can contact the relevant organisation listed above.